We create ideas for Poland
The Sobieski Institute is a leading Polish think-tank established in 2005. We propose solutions that will allow Poland to become a strong and efficient state, which guarantees economic freedom and ensures a balance between freedom and civic responsibility.
We focus on facts. We use data from our own research and other research centers.
We see the problem and propose solutions. Good ideas today mean better prospects tomorrow.
We write in a language that is understandable to everyone, not only to specialists in a given field. Accessibility All our publications are available online free of charge. Admission to the debates is free.
All our publications are available on the Internet free of charge. Admission to the debates is free.
We cooperate with other think tanks, we support non-governmental and student organizations.
Our experts are present in all media in Poland, both traditional and social.
30 Ideas for Poland in the Third Decade of the 21st Century.
In July 2019, we signed an agreement with the National Institute of Liberty, within the PROO Competition, for the project "30 ideas for Poland for the third decade of the 21st century". As part of the project, we will prepare reports, commentaries and analyses aimed at developing at least 30 Ideas for Poland concerning its development, modernisation, taking advantage of the opportunities of the technological revolution and improving the quality of life of Poles.
The aim of the project is to present the position of the Experts from the Visegrad Group on three areas of the development of the European Union: 1. the EU system - federation or Europe of the Homelands? 2. energy security 3. digitization. In January 2022, we will present a joint report of think-tanks from V4 on the conclusions and setting the direction of development of these three policies consistent with the national interest of V4 countries. The project is part of the ongoing debate entitled. "Conference on the Future of Europe". V4 partners are: 1. the Czech Republic - Europeum Institute European Policy 2. Slovakia - Bratislava Policy Institute 3. Hungary - Institute For Foreign Affairs and Trade The project is funded by the International Visegrad Fund: We invite you to follow our account on TT: @V4CoFoE, where we will report on the progress of the project.
Asian Century
The Sobieski Institute has become a partner of the seminars 'Asian Century' and 'Chinese Business', organised by the Institute's long-standing associate and expert in Asian and international affairs Radosław Pyffel. The courses will take place in a hybrid format. Participants in in-person classes will be hosted by our Institute. The 21st century is increasingly the century of Asia. The success of entire countries and regions will depend on understanding how Asians think and operate. This will enable you to attract investment from Asian countries more efficiently and communicate effectively with Asians, facilitating business cooperation.
FAiRP and the Sobieski Institute are joining forces for Polish industry
In the current geopolitical, social and economic situation, the automation, robotisation and digitalisation of industrial processes is an essential factor in maintaining the pace of development of the Polish economy and its digital transformation. To meet these challenges, two institutions, the Forum on Automation and Robotics of Poland [FAiRP] and the Sobieski Institute, signed a Mutual Cooperation Agreement on 25 August 2022 in Warsaw, making the Forum an official partner of the Institute. The agreement will enter into force on 1 September this year.
About FAiRP – The employers' association FAiRP is a non-profit organisation founded in 2021. It brings together Polish entrepreneurs, in particular employers of the largest Polish companies linked to the automation and robotics market – integrators, providers of solutions and services, and machine manufacturers. Forum on Automation and Robotics of Poland represents and supports entrepreneurs who create solutions in the field of automation and robotics in all its aspects, including scientific, technical, operational, business, financial, legal and commercial. Currently, its members include 20 companies in the industry, including 14 organisations that have the status of founding members.
Sobieski Academy
We train local NGO leaders. We teach how to manage an organisation, plan its development, and apply for funds for projects.
Creating ideas for young people
We are realizing the project "Creating ideas for young people" because we see the need to implement European youth goals in shaping a sustainable Polish policy in the European Union. The project aims to increase the level of knowledge among students about European integration with particular emphasis on three areas: the decision-making process in the European Union, opportunities to apply for a job or internship in European institutions and learning about the EU methods of detecting and combating disinformation. Participants will meet with decision-makers and experts from three levels (local, national and European) and will develop recommendations for the development of the European Union in the coming years. By implementing this project, we give young people the opportunity to have their say in the ongoing international consultations on the future of Europe. The project is financed by Erasmus+ funds.
Ideas For Poland - Security
The Sobieski Institute is implementing a project entitled. "Ideas for Poland - Security", which is divided into two main stages:
1. The preparation of a report;
2. Organisation of an international conference entitled "SOBIESKI SECURITY CONFERENCE. SECURITY OF THE EASTERN FLANK OF NATO" linked to the presentation of the report.
The Madrid NATO Summit led to the adoption of NATO's New Strategic Concept. The aim of the project is to diagnose the prospects for international cooperation in the region of NATO's so-called Eastern Flank. We will propose directions for an expert debate on the development of the security policy of the Republic of Poland in the new security situation. The project is financed from the state budget as part of the competition of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland "Public Diplomacy 2022" in the amount of 150,000 PLN.
Sobieski on-line
Tworzymy idee dla Polski

PhD Piotr Koryś

prof. Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse
economy geopolitics

PhD Piotr Hańczyc
healthcare higher education new technologies

Krzysztof Komorowski
new technologies

prof. Krystyna Bobińska
economy energy transport

Radosław Pyffel
economy foreign policy geopolitics

Filip Seredyński

PhD Michał Beim

PhD Janusz Wdzięczak
economy geopolitics

Andrzej Maciejewski
regional development

Kacper Kozłowski
infrastructure regional development

Rafał Libera
energy infrastructure

Piotr Tempczyk
new technologies

Anna Przybyszewska
energy new technologies

PhD Tomasz Pawłuszko
defence foreign policy

Paulina Baumert
foreign policy transport

PhD Łukasz Zaborowski
regional development

Grzegorz Pytel
economy new technologies

Agata Kozłowska

prof. Krzysztof Krajewski-Siuda

Bartłomiej Michałowski
new technologies
Get in touch with us
Lipowa 1a/20
00-316 Warszawa
+48 22 826 67 47
Autobusy: 105, 127, 118, 185
M2: Centrum Nauki Kopernik
The Visegrad Group – does this cooperation (still) exist?