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CEDE 2018 Policy Paper

19 listopada 2018 Zespół IS Bez kategorii 2 min

Zapraszamy do lektury policy paper powstałego po konferencji Central European Day of Energy (listopad 2018). Wydarzenie zorganizowało Central European Energy Partners, a Instytut Sobieskiego był jego partnerem. Wśród autorów raportu znalazł się ekspert Instytutu ds energetyki, Mateusz Zawistowski. 


Notatka prasowa/Press release: polski, English.

Regional cooperation has become one of the genuine pillars of European energy policy. It is pursued in all five dimensions of the Energy Union: security of energy supply, internal energy market, energy efficiency, climate policy and research and development. Preventive and emergency plans for an energy crisis, coordination and data exchange on power flows, regional action plans for interconnections, deployment of cross-border smart grids or joint renewables projects or support schemes – they are all different manifestations of the regional approach in building Energy Union.

Central Europe is also a party to this regionalization trend. In recent years countries in Central Europe have engaged in numerous cooperation projects. As a result, the region is becoming increasingly interconnected, integrated and resilient. The Central European states have developed numerous initiatives, which further enhanced functioning of energy systems in particular states. The main aim of these efforts has been to take care of the development of the gas and electricity sectors both in terms of infrastructure and liquidity of the markets. They surpassed cooperation limited merely to hard infrastructure development (mostly related to gas sector) and currently, they increasingly focus on market integration and reliable functioning of the electricity sector and energy related innovations. This is a big qualitative change that proves increasing maturity and durability of cooperation in Central Europe. It is worth noting that effectiveness of the implementation of the European acquis on a national level depends on its synergies with particular objectives of certain member states. In the case of cross-border energy cooperation, Central Europe provides several examples of such synergies.

