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Central European Day of Energy 2018

22 października 2018 Zespół IS Wydarzenie 2 min

Zapraszamy na Central European Day of Energy 2018, który odbędzie się 5 listopada w Brukseli. Wydarzenie organizuje Central European Energy Partners, a Instytut Sobieskiego jest jego partnerem. Na CEDE 2018 IS reprezentowane będzie przez Mateusza Zawistowskiego, eksperta ds. energetyki. Więcej informacji poniżej (po angielsku).

About CEDE

Central European Day of Energy (CEDE) is an annual event organized by Central Europe Energy Partners (CEEP) in cooperation with the DG Energy of the European Commission. CEDE aims to consolidate a regional energy platform that reflects the region’s perspective on the development of the European energy policy and highlights the accomplishments and challenges faced by regional stakeholders in the implementation process. It illustrates how Central European countries are transforming their energy sector in order to modernize its functioning and contribute to the EU climate policy objectives and to comply with the Paris Agreement commitments.

The 3rd CEDE edition will focus on cross-border energy cooperation within Central Europe and is structured in two main segments: a high-level conference that will bring together around 150 stakeholders from European Institutions, national administrations, energy and energy intensive companies, academics, experts and journalists, in order to provide an exchange forum between participants. The second important deliverables are the analytical papers that will review national cross-border projects in the region, assessing their achieved progress and encountered difficulties with recommendations on how to reinvigorate them.


5th of November, 12h30, European Commission, Berlaymont Building, Schuman room

12:30-13:30 Registration and light lunch

13.30-14.30 Opening session

Welcome speeches

  • Leszek Jesień, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CEEP
  • Megan Richards, Director for Energy Policy, DG Energy

Keynote speeches

  • Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission for the Energy Union
  • Jerzy Buzek, Member of the European Parliament, Chair of ITRE Committee
  • Petra Vargova, Deputy Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the EU, representative of the Slovak Presidency in Visegrad Group
  • Michael Steurer, Representative of the Austrian Presidency in the EU Council

14.30-15.45 Session one: Successes and challenges of cooperation in electricity sector

Moderator: Jane Amilhat, Deputy Head of Unit B1, DG Energy

  • Rimvydas Stilinis, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Litgrid, Director for Infrastructure of EPSO-G
  • Konrad Purchała, Deputy Director of International Cooperation PSE, Chairman of Market Committee, ENTSO-E
  • Monika Morawiecka, Head of Strategy Department, PGE
  • Gheorghe Visan, Energy Markets and Commercial Director, Transelectrica

15.45-16.00 Coffee break

16.00-17.20 Session two: Successes and challenges of cooperation in gas sector

Moderator: Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, Director for Internal Market, DG Energy

  • Constantin Adrian Volintiru, General Director, ROMGAZ
  • Rastislav Nukovic, General Director, EU Stream
  • Nemunas Biknius, Director for Strategy and Development EPSO-G
  • Miklós Panyi, Head of Department of Foreign Affairs, MVM Group

17.20-17.30 Concluding remarks

  • Dominique Ristori Director General of DG Energy (video message)
  • Rafał Miland, Vice – Chairman of the Board of Directors of CEEP, Vice-President of the Management Board of PERN S.A.

17.30-18.00 Networking coffee
