12 December 2022 Grzegorz Pytel Report 2 min

* What is inflation? Is inflation a natural economic phenomenon beyond imbalance between quantity of money and prices and quantity of goods and services in the economy?* Is there such a level of inflation which

20 October 2022 dr Tomasz Pawłuszko Report 4 min

Nowadays, Poland is a medium-sized country with high growth potential. To determine the viability of the medium sized state in the international system, a survey of dozens of analytical concepts used in international

27 April 2022 prof. Tomasz G. Grosse Report 3 min

Experts from the Visegrad Group prepared a report entitled "The voice of civil society in the debate Conference on the future of Europe". The report is a voice of experts from the Visegrad

11 June 2021 Anna Przybyszewska Report 4 min

The authors of the report entitled 'Nuclear Energy for Poland' are:- dr Paweł Gajda,- Wojciech Gałosz,- Urszula Kuczyńska,- Anna Przybyszewska,- Adam Rajewski,- Łukasz Sawicki. RECOMMENDATIONSThe recommendations presented below are the result of considerations

8 January 2013 dr Robert Zajdler Report < 1

Raport The future of gas pricing in the long-term contracts in Central Eastern Europe. Global markets trends versus regional particularities autorstwa eksperta IS w dziedzinie energetyki dr. Roberta Zajdlera poświęcony jest niezwykle istotnej dla
