8 June 2021 Zespół IS < 1

paulina.baumert@sobieski.robocza.ovh | Expert in civil aviation and China. Topics: the economic dimension of civil aviation, aviation infrastructure and aviation in China and Asia, economic and social changes in China   Assistant to the

8 June 2021 Zespół IS < 1

marcin.wrona@sobieski.robocza.ovh | +48 606 985 568 Expert on economy, society and foreign policy. Topics: Australia and Oceania, human geography, society versus economy, international economic relations Expert Publications Doctor of Economics since 2015, graduate

8 June 2021 Zespół IS < 1

lukasz.zaborowski@sobieski.robocza.ovh | +48 500 225 932 Expert in transportation and regional development. Topics: interregional disproportions in development, territorial cohesion policy, national and voivodeship development strategies, forming a network of settlement centres, planning transport systems, urban

8 June 2021 Zespół IS < 1

grzegorz.pytel@sobieski.robocza.ovh | +44 7768 585 253 Expert on the economy and new technologies. Topics: Information society, open source software, global ICT strategies, energy security, LNG topics. Expert Publications

8 June 2021 Zespół IS < 1

agata.kozłowska@sobieski.robocza.ovh | +48 (22) 699 70 01 Expert in infrastructure and PPP. Topics: public-private partnership, public utilities, public finances and the economy Expert Publications A lawyer, she coordinates and manages projects, in particular she
