15 August 2024 Zespół IS Comment 8 min

By Ph.D. Michał Dulak Due to the informal and thus flexible nature of the Visegrad Group, the question of whether cooperation within it still exists never ceases to be relevant. Even if there

12 August 2024 Zespół IS Comment 10 min

By Balázs Tárnok What have the previous treaty amendments achieved in the European Union, particularly the significant reforms implemented by the Maastricht and Lisbon Treaties? When might the amendment of EU treaties come

12 August 2024 dr Tomasz Pawłuszko Comment 10 min

The safety of civilians became an important task for EU countries in the 20th century. In addition to military security systems, non-military security systems such as rescue, firefighting and crisis management mechanisms have

31 July 2024 prof. Tomasz G. Grosse Comment 7 min

The treaty changes proposed by the European Parliament in November 2023 aim to centralize power in the EU at the expense of national democracies. They significantly increase the influence on EU decisions of

9 July 2024 Urszula Kuczyńska Comment 7 min

When it comes to meeting climate goals, Hungary is one of the EU leaders. This is largely due to the structure of the Hungarian energy mix, in which nuclear energy plays a huge
