8 June 2021 Zespół IS < 1

radoslaw.pyffel@sobieski.robocza.ovh | +48 501 292 763 An expert on foreign policy and China. Topics: Reforms in China. Economic Policy China. The New Silk Road. Economic cooperation between China and Poland. Expert Publications Head

8 June 2021 Zespół IS < 1

filip.seredynski@sobieski.robocza.ovh | Expert Publications Member of the Board of the Sobieski Institute and the National Development Council for the President of the Republic of Poland in the Foreign Policy, Defence and Security section.

8 June 2021 Zespół IS < 1

michal.beim@sobieski.robocza.ovh | +48 696 151 112 Transport Expert Topics: urban and regional transport, road and rail infrastructure, spatial planning, cycling, communication problems of cities, agglomerations and regions. Expert Publications

8 June 2021 Zespół IS < 1

janusz.wdzieczak@sobieski.robocza.ovh | +48 515 778 928 Expert in economics Topics: economics, financial markets and services, EU funds, infrastructure financing. Expert Publications Economist, economic historian, specialist in the field of investment financing and Eastern

8 June 2021 Zespół IS < 1

andrzej.maciejewski@sobieski.robocza.ovh | +48 502 416 861 Expert in local government and regional policy. Topics: regional development, local government, Smart City, Poland's policy towards its eastern neighbours. From 2015 to 2019, a member of
