15 August 2024 Zespół IS Comment 8 min

By Ph.D. Michał Dulak Due to the informal and thus flexible nature of the Visegrad Group, the question of whether cooperation within it still exists never ceases to be relevant. Even if there

12 August 2024 Zespół IS Comment 10 min

By Balázs Tárnok What have the previous treaty amendments achieved in the European Union, particularly the significant reforms implemented by the Maastricht and Lisbon Treaties? When might the amendment of EU treaties come

11 June 2021 Zespół IS Report 4 min

The authors of the report entitled 'Nuclear Energy for Poland' are:- dr Paweł Gajda,- Wojciech Gałosz,- Urszula Kuczyńska,- Anna Przybyszewska,- Adam Rajewski,- Łukasz Sawicki. RECOMMENDATIONSThe recommendations presented below are the result of considerations

11 June 2021 Zespół IS Media 10 min

Historically, French policy towards Central Europe had three basic goals. First, it was about gaining political and economic influence in the region. It was important to win the countries of the region over
